
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

JLAB Meeting Minutes November and December

JLAB Meeting Minutes                      12-11-14

The meeting began shortly after 6 p.m. in the Children’s Room.
5 members were present: Kaitlyn, Meg, Zoe, Paige and Marcella, plus Heather and Jesse.
We began by discussing what our group does and what projects our group has worked on so far. 
We discussed ideas for upcoming projects and future Friday Tween/Teen Programs:
·         Meg suggested a bookmark exchange.
·         Paige suggested a supernatural themed event.  She also suggested doing a program that had to do with archeology and/or ancient history.
·         Marcella suggested some sort of program with a “Once Upon a Time” theme.
·         Heather reminded the group that they had discussed making homemade playdough before and maybe this would be a good project to do in January!
Heather and Rachel are looking for volunteers to help them act out “The Mitten” for a Saturday story time in January. Anyone that is interested in helping could stop in the day before or 1 hour before the program starts on January 3rd.
We spent the rest of the meeting choosing our favorite books and wrapping them for a special Christmas mystery book display.

Important Dates to Remember:
Dec. 18- Tween and Teen Christmas Party from 5-7 p.m.
Dec. 19- Tween/Teen Fridays Program @ 4 p.m.
Jan. 2- Stop in anytime today if you are interested in rehearsing a part for “The Mitten”
Jan. 3- “The Mitten” story time is at 1 p.m., if you are interested in acting out a part for the younger children please arrive early to rehearse a part.

JLAB Meeting Minutes                      11-13-14

The meeting began shortly after 6 p.m. in the Children’s Room.
7 members were present: Annie, Gloria, Ginny, Jeana, Kaitlyn, Taylor, Gracie, plus Heather and Jesse.
We began by discussing what our group does and what projects our group has worked on so far.  Each member was given a notebook in order to take notes during the meeting and to write down their ideas to bring along with them to the next meeting.
We discussed ideas for upcoming projects:
·         Create a display of a turkey using book pages to make the feathers.
·         Turkey coloring pages for the children.
·         Help with puppet shows and plays for the younger children.
·         Create a YouTube video where children pretend like they are running the library.
·         Mystery book display for Christmas with books wrapped in wrapping paper.
Heather suggested that the group consider decorating a tree for the FOL Christmas Tree Open House, the group agreed.
·         It was suggested that the group make ornaments at the Tween/Teen Friday’s program on Dec. 5 and then decorate the tree.
·         It was also suggested that the group could make paper chains for the tree.
·         It was also suggested that maybe the group could make a book tree in the main reading room.
Jesse suggested that the group create a JLAB’s Favorite Books display, similar to the display created by the Librarian’s in the Reading Room.  Heather will clear off a shelf in the Children’s Room.
A JLAB Christmas Party was discussed and planned for December 18th from 5-7 p.m. It was suggested that we do the waffle cone Christmas tree decorating like we did last year.  We will also have snacks, plays games, and possibly have a craft.
We chose a winner for the pumpkin contest: Amanda Henry.

Important Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 5 – Tween/Teen Fridays Program @ 4 p.m., Ornament making and JLAB tree decorating
Dec. 7- Friends of the Library Open House.  Stop by to see all of the decorated trees!
Dec. 11- JLAB Meeting at 6 p.m.
Dec. 18- Tween and Teen Christmas Party from 5-7 p.m.
Dec. 19- Tween/Teen Fridays Program @ 4 p.m.